Friday, September 11, 2009

David Cross

David Cross, one of the funniest motherfuckers to ever walk the earth, is coming to Salt Lake City on September 28th to do a stand up show at In The Venue. I'm gonna splurge my $35 on a ticket and go, even though my mom and girlfriend both might consider it not a very "worthwhile" way of spending my money. I don't care though. Fuck it.

I just bought a few bits off his "It's Not Funny" album, and I realized something. There's a lot of irony in the title of this album, because when you're actually listening to it, it's totally fucking hilarious. So, why did he name it "It's Not Funny?" I bet he was trying to be funny. There's one bit on his other show called "Diahrea Mustache," I thought that was a really hilarious title for the bit, so I google image searched "Diahrea Mustache," and this guy popped up.

I think he was trying to protect himself against swine flu. Shit, I wish I knew about these face masks during the swine flu outbreak

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